
The lab bistro download
The lab bistro download

the lab bistro download

In the end, more than 50% of stone, even in surgically tricky regions, was removed by 10 repeated treatments. Eventually, the potential removal of urolithiasis in the body was verified using a PDMS-based ureter-imitated chip with a human kidney stone (CaOx 100%, 5–7 mm size) was located in the minor calyx under an artificial urine counter flow (0.5 mL min−1). Using a double-droplet microfluidics method, hexametaphosphate (HMP) chelating solution was encapsulated in an Fe3O4 nanoparticle (Fe3O4 NP)-loaded PLGA polymer shell with a thickness of 90%), and an effective removal efficacy (>95 %, 7 repeat cycles) of artificial calcium oxalate (5 mm in size) via a chelating effect.

the lab bistro download

A novel urolithiasis treatment in which chelating solution encapsulated in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid PLGA)-based microcapsules was delivered magnetically to specific urolithiasis sites and then subjected to ultrasound (US) to release the chelating solution and dissolve the stones.

The lab bistro download